Ruang pertemuan dengan sentuhan tradisional Kapasitas untuk U-shape 75 orang, Class room 100 orang dan Theatre 150 orang. Dengan fasilitas Sound System, AC, LCD, Screen serta white board.
Jogjakarta Sultanate was established on February 12, 1775 by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Accoording to the Giyanti agreement, the third Islamic Kingdom of New Mataram was split into two small Kingdoms because of Dutch’s intervention. King Pakubueono II agreed ti offer the new Mataram Kingdoms’s half territory to his younger brother.
Prince Makubumi and the another half to his son, Pakubuwono III. Parince Mangkubumi proclaimed himself as the King of Jogjakarta Hadiningrat with royal title “Sultan”. He called him self “Ngarasa Dalem Sampeyan Dalam Ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono Senopati Ing Ngalogo Ngabdurrahman Sayiddin Panatogomo Kalifatullah Ingkang Jumeneng Ingkang Kaping Satunggal (I)”. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I ruled from 1755 untul 1779.